Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day Trip to Cork

I'm off to see the Applied Physics & Instrumentation 2008 Project Exhibition in Cork IT today. It's going to be terribly nerdy, I know, but my dad has to go for work and I'm sure he'll be pretty lost without me. I'll have to keep a low profile though. If the IT lecturers find out that I'm a prospective Physics student they'll be swarming all over me like flies.

Anyways, I've been trying to get some screenshots of the Cathedral in the T2 mission I'm building, but no luck. for some reason, the 'Prnt Scrn' button won't work in-game. I'll have to figure something out when I get back tonight.


PS, that was some fine work from http://www.xkcd.com/


Shivers said...

Also from the genius behind xkcd:
A Limerick Database

Shivers said...

Get some screen shots up!