Sunday, September 14, 2008


It's been a while since I last posted here! Since the last post, I got gored by that French Bull, had my tonsils out, had a throat hemorrhage, and got back in contact with an old friend who is now seriously hawt!

On the nerdy side of things, my T2FM is just about finished (it'd want to be anyways; the deadline for submission is tomorrow at midnight!). Here are a heap of screens.

View across the canal, facing west. The distant building is actually just a texture that doesn't change in angle or size wherever you are. When you're in-game, it gives the impression of being very far away.

I've finally got round to re-doing the cathedral, both exterior and interior. Notice the nicely coloured and balanced lighting? Just another agonizing detail that'll fail to be noticed. That reminds me, I should really put some religious stuff on the altar.

Northwest view of the Inn, up against the city walls. The small delivery hatch leads to the Cellar.

This boarded-up hole allows access to some of the City's dankest abandoned cellars and basements. I've removed the boards so you can see the hole in the floor. All this is lit by the PC's flares, without which, you'll have to explore in pitch black.

More of the Underground. I'm planning on implementing (if I have time) a background story similar to that Edgar Allen Poe story where the dude gets walled up in the cellar.

Just a random street. Thought it looked cool. Notice that some of the windows still don't give off ambient light. It's one of those features which looks really cool and is extremely easy to implement, so obviously I haven't got round to doing it.

The view from behind the altar in the Cathedral. At the moment, I'm building a series of vaulted crypts below. The names on the sarcophagi will be those of people I want to thank for the help they've given me along the way. A weird tribute, it's true, but meh.

In Darkfall News, Beta Registration has finally opened, finally dispelling the rumours of Vaporware (as in, it'll vapourize before it comes out). Naturally, I've signed myself up along with the rest of the 150,000 or so people on the Darkfall Forums. It's odd, because a week before Beta was announced, there was about 40,000 users. Now the forums are full of people who've never been on before, never posted before, and certainly haven't been registered for more than a couple of weeks starting threads like "Omg f*cking newbs. why cnt they just find their own forums. We've all bin hre way longer so we shud get beta slots." Ah, Forumfall. Proving ground of the Forum Troll.

Anyways, if you're not interested in the ongoing battles waged weekly on the Darkfall forums, there's other news this week in the World of Geek. SPORE!

It's a revolutionary game in its own right. I picked up my copy as soon as I could. Basically, you start off as a single-celled spore in the primordial soup on a world of your choice. The first half hour of the game is sort of like an old Arcade game. You get your creature to go around and eat other creatures or plants (depending on what type of mouth you choose)

As you slowly evolve from a cell to a fish to a grotesque creation, your brain size increases to the point where you can evolve legs! You walk onto land and the creature phase begins.

To me, the thing that makes Spore unique is the creators. You can make virtually any type of creature, of any size, shape, form, or colour. It's all done through clever evolutionary interfaces. Basically, if you want to change something, you send out a mating call. The resulting baby can be editted, and the evolution of your species continues.

Eventually, once your creatures are smart enough, a pisstake of the moment in 2001: A Space Odyssey takes place in which your character develops tools. You can now form a tribe. While you're no longer able to evolve, you can now customize the tools and costumes of your Tribe

The game continues as you impress, flatter, or exterminate all the other tribes until the point where you can enter civilisation, and all the cities, vehicles, bombs and guns that come with it.

Once again, the creators allow you to completely customize your race, with their own unique cars, ships, buildings, outifits, and of course national anthem.

If you're nice (or merciless) enough, you can take control of the planet to unify it under one banner. Once that happens, you're in the space age.

Your goal is now a mixture of exploration, economics, domination, and colonization. And of course, to unravel the mysterious Grox, an empire made up of cyborg monkey things.

Eventually there must be some sort of end. The centre of the Galaxy seems to be the ultimate goal. But to be honest, I have no idea what's in there. There's about 1,000,000 stars in the Spore galaxy, each of them with an average of about 3 habitable planets each. For true galactic domination, it could take me years.

The thing about Spore is that it's completely unique. Sure, the creature stage is well below par of the average adventure game. Sure, you'd get a better strategy experience than those of the tribal and civilisation stages playing any ordinary strategy game. Sure, the space combat seems a little lacking.

But the reality is that Spore is just fun to play. EA has dumbed it down enough so that a seven year old could beat it. But that doesn't take away from the experience of older generations. It's just so satisfyingly addictive that you can accidentally let several hours pass while you try to get your palace looking just right.

I'd recommend it to anyone. It's a great game all-round.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Off to France

Can't believe I get to go back! I went to Bayonne, a town near Biarritz last Summer to improve my french for school. Now, the guy I did my exchang with has invited me back for the 'Fete de Bayonne', an annual festival in which french people take a break from snails and frog's legs and go wild. Here's a vid of the Bullrunning last year. They pile thousands of people into a big plaza and set a bull loose. I'm in there somewhere.

I'll try to keep updated during the trip, but no guarantees. I'm finding it hard to stay up-to-date while at home and unemployed!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Oxegen 08!

OXEGEN! The most craic a person can have in a single weekend! Just got back on monday, still haven't recovered...
Thought I'd mention this tornado that ripped through Red Camp in the middle of the day. Really weird stuff! The first vid is of a tent that got taken up from Red Camp. It was literally 3-400m in the air at one stage.

No-one knew what happened to it in our camp because it literally disappeared into the distance. I found it on youtube!

That walkway is about a mile away! Sorry for the poor quality vids, these are from camera phones...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Catching up

It's been a while since I last wrote here. My Leaving Cert is done forever, and I've just turned seventeen. Now I get to spend the rest of the summer assing around and stuff. Now I get to look foreward to oxygen, which is starting in just two weeks. I'm sharing a tent with two guys and three girls, so it should be good...
By the way, that picture is about predicting the ultimate fate of the universe.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A runthrough of Darkfall's features. Just thought it was a cool vid.

Irish Paper 2 tomorrow. After that it's just Art, French and Physics. Then Oxygen!

Just a few more days!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Cert Begins!

Sure, the joke was bad taste, but at least it had good delivery...




English Paper 1 went well, and I have the incredibly long combination of English Paper 2 and Chemistry tomorrow. Oh joy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big Dog

While browsing through Youtube, I found something I want everyone to see.

It's called Big Dog, from Boston Dynamics. I just thought it was really freaky and cool. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

At Long Last

Wow, who would have thought Physics could be boring?

Anyways, I managed (through some simple devilry) to take a few screenies from my T2 mission, The Syndicate.

Pictured are some shots from the Cathedral and Street outside.

Don't forget to click to get a nice big version. How do you like the sky? That's custom rendered that is. The clouds move in-game.

Day Trip to Cork

I'm off to see the Applied Physics & Instrumentation 2008 Project Exhibition in Cork IT today. It's going to be terribly nerdy, I know, but my dad has to go for work and I'm sure he'll be pretty lost without me. I'll have to keep a low profile though. If the IT lecturers find out that I'm a prospective Physics student they'll be swarming all over me like flies.

Anyways, I've been trying to get some screenshots of the Cathedral in the T2 mission I'm building, but no luck. for some reason, the 'Prnt Scrn' button won't work in-game. I'll have to figure something out when I get back tonight.


PS, that was some fine work from

Monday, May 26, 2008

Current Projects

Right, here's some stuff I'm currently working on. I'll post some screenshots some time

Tesla Coil
A Tesla coil is a device used to discharge large amounts of electricity into the air. They're very dangerous and look cool! At the moment I'm collecting transformers for it so if you know me in RL and have any old phone chargers or Christmas lights, they'd be much appreciated.

The Syndicate
This is a fan mission I'm developing using DromEd, an editor program based on the Dark Engine by Looking Glass Studios. It'll be my entry for the Classic Thief Experience Competition being run by Uncandonego on It's due by September 15th so expect lots of screenies before then!

I'll post some more stuff later. I'm watching Strictly Ballroom at the moment on Youtube. Some movie!

Grand Openning

Welcome to Monitor Glare!

I've decided at long last to give in to the Internet and start a Blog. I'm a gigantic nerd and I feel that I should share this nerdiness with all the world. I won't say what's in store for readers in this blog, because I'll probably be writing anything and everything that pops into my head.

I have no idea who'll actually read this, but if you are reading it, thanks.
