Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big Dog

While browsing through Youtube, I found something I want everyone to see.

It's called Big Dog, from Boston Dynamics. I just thought it was really freaky and cool. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

At Long Last

Wow, who would have thought Physics could be boring?

Anyways, I managed (through some simple devilry) to take a few screenies from my T2 mission, The Syndicate.

Pictured are some shots from the Cathedral and Street outside.

Don't forget to click to get a nice big version. How do you like the sky? That's custom rendered that is. The clouds move in-game.

Day Trip to Cork

I'm off to see the Applied Physics & Instrumentation 2008 Project Exhibition in Cork IT today. It's going to be terribly nerdy, I know, but my dad has to go for work and I'm sure he'll be pretty lost without me. I'll have to keep a low profile though. If the IT lecturers find out that I'm a prospective Physics student they'll be swarming all over me like flies.

Anyways, I've been trying to get some screenshots of the Cathedral in the T2 mission I'm building, but no luck. for some reason, the 'Prnt Scrn' button won't work in-game. I'll have to figure something out when I get back tonight.


PS, that was some fine work from

Monday, May 26, 2008

Current Projects

Right, here's some stuff I'm currently working on. I'll post some screenshots some time

Tesla Coil
A Tesla coil is a device used to discharge large amounts of electricity into the air. They're very dangerous and look cool! At the moment I'm collecting transformers for it so if you know me in RL and have any old phone chargers or Christmas lights, they'd be much appreciated.

The Syndicate
This is a fan mission I'm developing using DromEd, an editor program based on the Dark Engine by Looking Glass Studios. It'll be my entry for the Classic Thief Experience Competition being run by Uncandonego on It's due by September 15th so expect lots of screenies before then!

I'll post some more stuff later. I'm watching Strictly Ballroom at the moment on Youtube. Some movie!

Grand Openning

Welcome to Monitor Glare!

I've decided at long last to give in to the Internet and start a Blog. I'm a gigantic nerd and I feel that I should share this nerdiness with all the world. I won't say what's in store for readers in this blog, because I'll probably be writing anything and everything that pops into my head.

I have no idea who'll actually read this, but if you are reading it, thanks.
